Gallery Event with Madcow Designs!

Wow. We have so many new and exciting things going on over here that we don't even know where to start. But since we have limited time today, we're going to give you a quick update on one project that we are especially excited about.

As some of you may know, I design all the promo material for the South Jersey Branch of Dr. Sketchy's. Its a very interesting, yet difficult job. I am given free reign to do whatever I want. Sometimes I have a model pic and a theme to work with, other times not. And as daunting of a challenge as this may sound, I really look forward to it each and every month. It affords me the opportunity to really stretch my creative legs and delve into areas that interest me, but I might never get a chance to work with again.

Its extremely challenging, and after the printed pieces are done and handed out, there is a feeling of a job well done. But since there is always another job right around the corner, I never really have time to dwell on just how awesome a particular font choice was, or how the colors really worked out incredibly well and evoked just the right emotion I was looking to achieve.

This is all about to change though! A local gallery venue is hosting a South Jersey Dr. Sketchy exhibit for the whole month of June. The event is open to all the monkeys (artists) that attend the South Jersey session, be them painters, printmakers or sculptors. I have also been asked to participate as well.

Gee. I never really thought of putting any of my printed pieces in a show before so I can't tell you how exciting this is!! I had one monkey tell me that they look at the promo as just another artist's rendering of how they see the model and what the session evokes for them. Again, I never really thought of it that way, but how cool is that???

Currently I am busy working on framing and mounting all the pieces for the show (along with designing the promos and marketing the event as well). The other day I took a step back and honestly, I was amazed. To see all the pieces lined up and displayed really took my breath away. I am honored to be part of this gallery event and to be the designer for the South Jersey Branch. I must admit, there are pieces in this grouping that are some of my absolutely favorite pieces I have done in my whole career. And its all because I push myself. I want to try new styles and techniques. I love researching the ideas behind the themes and looking into other areas I might never have ever thought about in my career.

I would like to take the time now to invite you to come view my work along with those of the monkeys that regularly attend the events. There is going to be an opening reception on Friday, June 4th from 6-9pm and I would love to see you all there!

For more information, contact us at info(at)madcow-designs(dot)com or check out the event listing on Facebook:!/event.php?eid=112706985433733&ref=ts

Samples of promo material created by Madcow Designs LLC in order to help promote and bring awareness to the South Jersey Branch of Dr. Sketchy's. Designs ©2009-2010 Madcow Designs LLC

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