I am the Stig!

I think I may have mentioned before that I am slightly obsessed with cars. Well, vehicles in general. Slap tires and an engine on something and you have my attention. New cars, old cars, slightly used cars all draw my interest. Wash it, shine it, wax it, I’m there. Race it on a circle, in twists and turns or on dirt, I’m there. Put them in a dirt stadium and deliberately crash them into each other and I’m there. In fact not only will I discuss working on them and driving them, but I will also discuss driving regulations and traffic laws.
So at this point you may be thinking that’s great, but what does that have to do with a graphic design blog?
Well, just recently 2 of the biggest new car shows just passed...The Detroit Auto Show and the Geneva Auto Show. And where some of you still may be questioning what this has to do with design, I have a hard time reading the reviews without being inundated with design theories.
Consider this...did GM showcase all their more fuel-consuming models in a slate gray because they wanted the less “green” cars to be unobtrusive? Or does it have to do with the fact that typically the larger models are bought (and thus marketed) to an older, highly professional crowd. Or are they phasing those models out and the newer more advanced cars were in bright attractive colors to distract people from them?
Makes you wonder, especially when typically it is thought a younger crowd goes for brighter colors, but market research has actually shown that to be untrue...at least for cars.
Or how about the new Honda Element that is geared towards the pet lover out there. Did Honda stumble across a market that has previously gone untapped by the auto industry or is it just a ploy to make them look more in-tune with mother nature?
And so as not to bore the pants off my non-gear head followers, consider lastly the Porsche 911. This iconic car hasn’t had a major overhaul in its overall design in years. This car is so recognizable that even non-gear heads can point them out.
Now what does that say about design???
Well, for one, design surrounds us in everyday life. And when it is a good design it makes it’s point without being obtrusive. And two, good design comes from someone who is willing to take the time to do their research and work with the client to determine the best approach to the job ahead. Much like detailing a car, I love being in possession of the right supplies, finding the perfect product that does exactly what I need it too, and then attacking the job head on and working towards the beautiful results.
Ok, so maybe when one starts comparing their job to a car the phrase “slightly obsessed” becomes somewhat of an understatement. But call it what you will, I know one thing is true: I love cars and I love my job!

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