Moo Review - Letterpressing!

©2010 Madcow Designs LLC

Ask any designer, and they will all agree...we have tons of ideas constantly milling around in our heads. For me, these ideas typically pop up when I'm working on a client job. It usually happens during the research phase of the project...and usually has nothing to do with the job at hand. Just something sparked an idea, and well, who can really explain how a creative brain works?

So, in the past few years, I've become accustomed to immediately jotting down these ideas into a binder I keep right next to my computer. When I have a few minutes to myself and am looking for something new to work on, I'll look in there. I'll admit, when I go back some ideas are completely ridiculous. Other times, they stand out and make me delve into a research phase for my own interests.

One such project I had on the table for a while was a thank you card. When a job comes to fruition, I like to thank all those involved – the client who hired me, any assistants/secretaries, etc., along with the printer. Personally, I like sending a nice hand-written thank you...oh how my mother would be so proud!

But in all honesty, I hated buying store bought cards. It just seemed so silly to do so, but writing thank you on the invoice just wasn't what I was looking for either.

For awhile now I've been obsessed with Letterpressing, and decided what better job to test the waters, then with a personal one? So, I put out a tweet to my followers – many designers themselves – to gauge input on some of the places I had been researching. To my surprise, and delight, I got a reply from a local printer – Colleen from Cleanwash Letterpress (web: blog: twitter: @cleanwash)

Even better was that I found out many of the designers I follow, and respect, have dealt with this print shop in the past, enjoyed their experience and have since returned for other jobs. That says a lot about a vendor and really solidified my choice of who to work with.

It also helped that after the tweet, we initiated a conversation via email. Colleen's replies were informative, respectful and above all else, honest. At this stage I was getting very excited. She sent me paper samples and I sent her a pdf proof. I always like to preface a print job with a lo-res pdf for the printer to review. Each vendor has their own specs and comfort level. I wanted to make sure what I was designing would work on her presses and she was comfortable with how I had set up the file.

Again, I had reached out to fellow designers, had done my research and had seen samples. Still, I anxiously awaited the delivery of my finals and was thrilled the day the Fedex man rolled up.

As a designer, presentation of the final product is part and parcel with what we do. Needless to say I was impressed when I tore open the box to find my printed cards neatly packed away in their own laundry bag. What a nice touch! Trust me when I say its little things like that that not only make the vendor look good but make you remember them for the next time.

Colleen did such a wonderful print job, but I will also remember her for her honesty, her helpfulness and overall just how wonderful an experience I had. I definitely will be printing more through her and will (and have already) referred her services to anyone looking for a letterpress printer.

If you can't wait to receive one of these beautiful cards yourself, you can purchase your own set at our online store.

Design was inspired by our love of the Hawaiian Culture.
BW is simple and elegant..and matches cows very well:)
Outside: Thank You; Inside: Blank

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